[Quezon City, 26 June 2023] – The Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TFDP), the Commission on Human Rights of the Philippines (CHRP), and the United Against Torture Coalition-Philippines (UATC-Philippines) have joined hands with representatives of the Philippines government to observe the UN International Day in Support of Victims of Torture, through ‘Basta! Run Against Torture (BRAT)’. Held in Quezon City, this significant event aims to contribute to the global campaign against torture and the prevention of this heinous practice worldwide.

The inaugural BRAT was organized on 25 June 2002, marking the commencement of the national campaign for freedom from torture by the UATC-Philippines in May 2002. Since then, the BRAT has played a pivotal role in achieving milestones in torture prevention in the country. Notably, it led to the passage of the Anti-Torture Law (Republic Act No. 9745) in November 2009 and the ratification of the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture (OPCAT) by the Philippines in April 2012.

The last BRAT was held in 2018. TFDP and CHR are proud to be able to resume this annual event with the support of the Association for the Prevention of Torture (APT)’s Safe in Custody Project. Co-funded by the European Union, Safe in Custody aims to reduce risky practices that lead to ill-treatment in custody.

“We believe that an open, healthy, and continuous partnership between those that are present today is the main key that will make the purpose of this day’s event be considered a success. The Commission commits that it will continue to support any and all efforts that will help put an end to the culture of impunity and create a safer environment for everyone in our country,” CHR Commissioner Beda A. Epres said.

This year, BRAT XIII, centred around the theme “Everyone Should Be Safe In Custody.” The BRAT follows a high-level meeting of civil society organizations and government officials on Friday 23 June 2023, in which the representatives from the Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG), Philippine National Police (PNP), TFDP, UATC-Philippines, CHRP, and the APT met under the auspices of the CHR to commit to a call to action: to craft a national framework for everyone in the Philippines to be safe in custody.

At the event, which ended with a commitment to a shared way forward to combat torture in the Philippines, Mr. Christoph Wagner, the Head of the Development Cooperation Section, Delegation of the European Union to the Philippines, expressed his support for the call to combat torture and welcomed the collaborative approach involving all relevant stakeholders-government, civil society, and international organizations- to effectively address the issue.

“On this International Day in Support of the Victims of Torture, all stakeholders and survivors of torture around the world take the opportunity to speak out against the use of torture, and they act to remember and support its victims. The Basta Run Against Torture (BRAT) is a yearly activity that provides a platform for CSOs, stakeholders, and key government agencies to campaign for the full implementation of the Anti-Torture Law through public action,” said Jerbert M. Briola, Project Coordinator, TFDP Safe In Custody project.

In a display of cooperation and solidarity, over four hundred (400) runners joined today, representing the CHRP, PNP, DOJ, DILG, and other concerned government agencies, and Civil Society Organizations.

The BRAT was able to raise public awareness about the Anti-Torture Law and establish effective monitoring mechanisms aimed at preventing torture in all places of detention. This momentous public event serves to acknowledge the efforts and actions of all stakeholders involved in providing support to victims of torture and endeavor to eradicate acts of torture from Philippines society.